July 30, 2005

Jean ‘Talking Point’ Schmidt Is Pathetic

Jean Schmidt, Republican is running for an open congressional seat in Ohio second district versus Paul Hackett, Democrat, Marine and Iraq veteran.

Jean Schmidt is Tom Delay backed rubber stamp politician for President Bush and the Republican majority in the House. She is also pathetic.
but let us say she hasn't found a talking point she doesn't like. When Gregory asked her if Hackett has more credibility about Iraq because he was a veteran and had served there. Jean replied that she went to a soldier's funeral. When David pressed her on Hackett's experience, she replied that he sounds like Nancy Pelosi. When Gregory says that she sounds like the president's talking points, she hesitated...and well just watch. David, don't mess with her talking points. At one point she starts yelling at David Gregory... pretty pathetic.
Click on the link to watch her on Hardball. If you want a straight shooter, a man of this word Vote for Paul Hackett for Congress.


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