May 5, 2005

Thatcher Endorses Bolton for U.N. Envoy

Margaret Thatcher the former Prime Minister of Britain endorses John R. Bolton for U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
Margaret Thatcher, who gained a reputation for outspokenness as Britain's prime minister, endorsed John R. Bolton for U.S. ambassador to the United Nations largely for his "capacity for straight talking rather than peddling half-truths."
In a letter made available Thursday by Bolton's office, Thatcher said she wrote to tell her longtime friend "how strongly I support your nomination."

"To combine, as you do, clarity of thought, courtesy of expression and an unshakable commitment to justice is rare in any walk of life. But it is particularly so in international affairs," Thatcher wrote in her letter dated Wednesday.

"A capacity for straight talking rather than peddling half-truths is a strength and not a disadvantage in diplomacy. Particularly in the case of a great power like America, it is essential that people know where you stand and assume that you mean what you say."
(Emphasis mine)

Straight talking, strength, power, mean what you say .... Did President Bush speech writers write the letter personally for Margaret Thatcher to endorse Mr. Bolton?


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